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Jun 19

FREE Meta Q&A with Meditation – 19th June 2024 – Summer Solstice

June 19, 2024 @ 19:00 - 20:30


FREE Bio Monthly Meta Q&A with Meditation

with Penny Croal

Online via Zoom

Wednesday 19th June 2024

7.00 pm BST

Penny Croal is a multi-disciplined practitioner and trainer, who passionately believes in the mind-body connection. Her own journey and her work with clients has led her to the conclusion that “we are what we believe and our health, along with the choices we make in life, correspond to our deeply held beliefs.” 

Practising what she preaches Penny is an International Trainer of EFT/MATRIX REIMPRINTING and is the founder of International Meta Consciousness.  Working with Serious Disease has enabled her to fully capture the joy of life by showing people that there are always choices and empowering them to regain their health.  


Following the cycles of nature Penny holds a FREE 90 minute Q&A, bi monthly, regarding questions around meta and your symptoms and includes a meditation that is alignment with the natural flow of Mother Earth.

This is a safe place where no recordings will be sent out due to the intimate matters discussed and also to create a habit of presence, of being present in those 1.5 hours every 2 months.

Join Penny on 19th June for Summer Solstice.

Summer Solstice is the precise planetary moment when the earth’s tilt reaches its zenith, bringing us the longest and lightest sun-powered experience of the year.

As the spring seeds have made their way through the belly of mother earth, Solstice ushers in the next cycle of the ecosphere’s journey from darkness to light.

The earth’s most dynamic time of expansion, growth, and abundance becomes palpable: our senses come alive with the scents, sounds, and the sun’s glow touches us from within.

Sign up now for FREE and you will be emailed the Zoom link.

Please note that you need to sign up to each individual Q&A event in order to attend as a different Zoom link is used.


June 19, 2024
19:00 - 20:30
